Elevating Heel Wedge

Item #8012 shown below

The Elevating Heel Wedge is positioned near the base of the mattress to elevate one or both heels for the prevention and treatment of heel pressure ulcers

Features and Benefits:

  • Ideal for patients that tend to move around frequently and do not like the feel of having products attached to their lower extremities
  • Comes with Recovery 5 incontinent, wipable, stretchy, anti-microbial cover
  • Easy to use, and extremely comfortable
  • Optional layer of Sunmate “Memory Foam” for immersion

Double-Leg Design
#8012 – 3”-1”H x 36”W x 20”D (w/ Vitamemory top)

Single-Leg Design
#8014 – 3”-1”H x 12”W x 20”D (w/ Vitamemory top)